Annihilation Road

  • Author Christine Feehan
  • Release Date December 28, 2021
  • Publisher Berkley
  • Our Rating
  • Reviewed by BPoston

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Our Review

Savin “Savage” Pajari believes he is a monster. He is a protector, He is a killer. He is also a sadist and believes there is no woman alive who can accept him as he is and meet his dark needs. However, when he is in a dangerous situation and a strange woman saves his life, he doesn’t know what to do. He owes her his life, but more than that, he feels a connection to her he never dreamed he would feel for anyone.

Seychelle Dubois tries to stay away from people. She has a talent that, when used, takes away part of her life force. When someone is ill or injured, she can’t help but try to fix what is wrong, even if it takes away her own health.  

She has no idea who Savage is, but she feels a pull toward him. He is a dark, dangerous man, and she knows she should stay away from him, but she can’t. His needs and desires take her to a dark place within herself she never dreamed existed, and she fears getting involved with him could cost her more than she ever thought possible… perhaps her life.

Out of all the books in the Torpedo Ink Series, ANNIHILATION ROAD is the darkest. Savage experienced a horrible childhood which formed the man he has become. Seychelle is a gentle soul but also has dark yearnings she has never explored. Can Savage help her explore her true nature or will she run and hide?


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