My Favorite Kinky Romances by Anna Zabo

Counterpoint (Twisted Wishes #2) by Anna Zabo.
Twisted Wishes lead guitarist Dominic “Domino” Bradley is an animal onstage. But behind his tight leather pants and skull-crusher boots lies a different man entirely, one who needs his stage persona not only to perform, but to have the anonymity he craves. A self-imposed exile makes it impossible to get close to anyone outside the band, so he’s forced to get his sexual fix through a few hot nights with a stranger.
My Favorite Kinky Romances
Despite writing a lot of kinky romances, I don’t read as much kinky romances as I do non-kinky ones. Still, I do love a romance with some good kink in it, whether it be light or hard or somewhere in between.
For two authors, I just listed a series, because they have so many good books. Saying that, let’s get started with the first recommendation:
Everything Kris Ripper has ever written
I’m not kidding. Okay, I actually haven’t read all of zir books yet, but I’m working on it, because hot damn, they’re good.
But if you want lovely BDSM found family polyam romance with all of its ups and downs, read all of the Scientific Method series, starting with Catalyst. The first book isn’t exactly a romance, but all nine books, chronicling the lives of Will, Hugh, and Truman as they dance around each other, certainly are. It’s worth the ride, trust me. The latest book stole my breath, stopped my heart, and gave me so much hope.
Also, zie just re-released Gays of Our Lives and while the BDSM content is light, the Dominant is a grumpy man with MS, and I think seeing someone with MS in that roll is so important, and the book is really sweet in so many ways. You don’t have to be a big hulking person to be a Dominant.
But honestly, Ripper can keep you well-stocked with queer kinksters for months and months. I mean, I’ve listed ten books right here. Have fun!
For Real by Alexis Hall
I’ve included this book in a previous list, but I’m going to include it again. For Real book won a RITA for a reason and yes, I’ll probably recommend it again. Lush and wonderful prose and kink that is hard and lovely and emotional. A young Dom and an older sub. It’s a book about finding yourself and each other and two different ages. And it also features the dessert that is my absolute favorite in the world: lemon meringue pie.
Original Sinners by Tiffany Reisz
This is another one I’ve recommended before, but again, I don’t know if anyone can make a list of BDSM romances and not include the Original Sinners series. The Siren is the first book, and this book is M/F, but the whole thing is queer and wonderful and just worth reading. So go forth and read.
Light Switch by Lauren Gallagher
This is one of Gallagher’s older works and it’s MFM (not MMF), and it’s a long book that packs a lot in. But I love the progression Kristin takes into enjoying BDSM and into finding the right partners. Plus, she is not at all a doormat. She’s a women who knows what she wants and isn’t at all afraid to go after it.
Lauren Gallagher is also LA Witt, and she has several kinky m/m books that I love as well, including The Master Will Appear, which is a BDSM novel between an older experienced fencer and the brash young man he beats at fencing, then takes on as a fencing student. The caveat with both these recommendations is that I am very good friends with the author, and I think that’s worth disclosing.
It’s hard not to recommend books by people you know after a while.
There is another whole list of books I wouldn’t necessarily claim as favorites, but were formative in my early BDSM reading, including the Sleeping Beauty Series by Anne Rice writing as A. N. Roquelaure. Problematic and unrealistic to be sure, but I read these in college and they were probably the first books I encountered BDSM for pleasure in. Of course I also read the Story of O. Both these were bought in one of those tiny little secret bookstores that were found in basements (and also had such things as punk records, tarot cards, and incense—and probably other stuff I was too naive to know about, because boy. Reading erotic BDSM novels was pretty much me being ultra edgy back when I was in my late teens.
Oh, how that’s changed!
Twisted Wishes #2
by Anna Zabo
Carina Press
releases September 24, 2018
Twisted Wishes lead guitarist Dominic “Domino” Bradley is an animal onstage. But behind his tight leather pants and skull-crusher boots lies a different man entirely, one who needs his stage persona not only to perform, but to have the anonymity he craves. A self-imposed exile makes it impossible to get close to anyone outside the band, so he’s forced to get his sexual fix through a few hot nights with a stranger.
When computer programmer Adrian Doran meets Dominic, he’s drawn to the other man’s quiet voice and shy smile. But after a few dirty, demanding nights exploring Dominic’s need to be dominated, Adrian wants more than a casual distraction. He has no idea he’s fallen for Domino Grinder—the outlandish, larger-than-life rock god.
Dominic is reluctant to trust Adrian with his true identity. But when the truth is revealed prematurely, Dominic is forced to reevaluate both his need for Adrian and everything he believes about himself.
Pre-order/Buy Links: Carina / Amazon / B&N / iBooks / Google Play / Kobo / universal link
About the Author: Anna Zabo writes contemporary and paranormal romance for all colors of the rainbow. They live and work in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, which isn’t nearly as boring as most people think.
Anna grew up in the wilds of suburban Philadelphia before returning to their ancestral homelands in Western Pennsylvania. As a child they were heartily disappointed to discover that they couldn’t grow up to be what they wanted (a boy, a cat, a dragon), so they settled on being themself whenever possible, which may be a combination of a boy, a cat, and a dragon. Or perhaps a girl, a knight, and a writer. Depends on whom you ask. They do have a penchant for colorful ties and may be hording a small collection of cufflinks.They can be easily plied with coffee.
Anna has an MFA in Writing Popular Fiction from Seton Hill University, where they fell in with a roving band of romance writers and never looked back. They also have a BA in Creative Writing from Carnegie Mellon University.
Anna uses they/them pronouns and prefers Mx. Zabo as an honorific.
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