Interview with Kim Breyon, author of Roxy's Recovery

An interview with Kim Breyon, author of Roxy’s Recovery.
ROXY’S RECOVERY As the newest veterinarian in the small town of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, Vaughn Winters doesn’t have time for relationships. He is too busy healing injuries and establishing his reputation as a trustworthy vet. But when a strange man waves him down one stormy night seeking help for his injured dog, Vaughn simply can’t refuse.
Obviously homeless and with no means to pay for Roxy’s medical care, Vaughn throws caution to the wind and strikes a deal with the hesitant stranger that would allow Roxy the time to heal and provide some much-needed TLC to his property as well. As the days pass, Vaughn’s curiosity grows. Alex’s dedication to the job is as surprising as the sexy tats hidden beneath his rugged clothes. What could have pushed this kind, hardworking man to the streets, or cast such dark shadows in his otherwise bright blue eyes?
I am thrilled to be here today with Romance Junkies. Thank you for having me and for giving my newest release, Roxy’s Recovery, some love. This is a standalone romance set in a small town involving a vet who picks up a mysterious, sexy stranger and his adorable pug on the side of the road. I hope you will fall in love with that sassy girl and her owners as much as I did.
What comes first, the plot or characters?
KB: For me, the characters almost always come first. I tend to feel their presence or hear their voice long before I know why they came to me. One of my characters, Beckett, came to me in a dream and I knew he was missing someone, so I had to find out who and why. I actually met Alex from Roxy’s Recovery a very short time after I met Beckett, however his story took a long longer to unfold. I saw him carrying 3 bags in the rain along a busy road, so I knew he was traveling, but I didn’t understand why. I just knew he was hurting and wanted to find a way to help him. It wasn’t until I met Vaughn that I was able to figure out how.
How do you develop your plot and characters?
KB: I like to spend time getting to know the characters first… their goals, their dreams, their fears. That usually helps the other pieces of the story click into place. It was interesting for Alex, though. I saw him but I couldn’t get into his head. He had walls up that I couldn’t seem to penetrate no matter how I approached him. Most of what I was able to learn about him was through Vaughn, which is what helped me realize that Roxy’s Recovery was meant to be written from one POV instead of two.
Does one of the main characters in Roxy’s Recovery a special place in your heart? If so, why?
KB: Alex has a huge spot in my heart. Maybe because he’s lingered in my mind for over a year. I felt his loneliness and frustration all that time, so his happy ending means more to me now since it was hard earned for both of us. But I also understood him on a deeper level in the end… his vulnerability and how difficult it can be to learn to trust again, because that’s something I’ve gone through too.
Your story is set in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. Why did you choose that as the setting for your book?
KB: I love small towns, especially ones in my home state. Coeur d’Alene is a beautiful town that rests on a highway connecting two neighboring states, so it does sees a lot of travelers. I felt like it was the perfect location and setting for a wayward traveler to stumble into. Northern Idaho also gets the rain and snow that was needed for the plot to play out as I envisioned too, so it just worked out perfectly.
What were the key challenges you faced when writing this book?
KB: My biggest struggle was getting into Alex’s head. I kept trying to write this book from two points of view, but Alex’s never worked or he revealed too much too soon. So I had to adjust to the pace and flow of telling the story from only Vaughn’s point of view while showing enough of Alex that he felt just as real to the reader as Vaughn did. Then there was the sensitive topic of domestic abuse. I didn’t want to just sweep that under the rug and give Alex his ‘happily ever after’ unrealistically. He needed to work through the pain of that and realize what he went through did not define him.
What is the key theme and/or message in the book?
“Until you find your way, it’s okay to be a little lost.” I want Alex’s story to remind others that it can take time to overcome difficult circumstances, but those circumstances do not define us. We all have skeletons in our closets and bruises we wish to keep covered, but those things should not hold us back from reaching for the things we really want. I also want to remind readers what kind of power kindness and grace can have on a person, of what simply giving someone a chance can do to their life. Trust is a fragile thing, and it takes immense effort to rebuild once it’s broken. Not only in others, but in ourselves as well. Alex had to learn to let people in, but also trust that he was worth it all too. I think that’s why I love him so much. He’s the symbol of everything I believe: that we all are worthy of our happy endings.
Thank you for letting me stop by! I hope you’ll give Vaughn, Alex, and Roxy a chance.
As the newest veterinarian in the small town of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, Vaughn Winters doesn’t have time for relationships. He is too busy healing injuries and establishing his reputation as a trustworthy vet. But when a strange man waves him down one stormy night seeking help for his injured dog, Vaughn simply can’t refuse.
Obviously homeless and with no means to pay for Roxy’s medical care, Vaughn throws caution to the wind and strikes a deal with the hesitant stranger that would allow Roxy the time to heal and provide some much-needed TLC to his property as well. As the days pass, Vaughn’s curiosity grows. Alex’s dedication to the job is as surprising as the sexy tats hidden beneath his rugged clothes. What could have pushed this kind, hardworking man to the streets, or cast such dark shadows in his otherwise bright blue eyes?
Will six weeks be enough time to earn Alex’s trust? Or will asking questions cause him to tuck tail and run as soon as Roxy is able?
Roxy’s Recovery is a 61k standalone contemporary romance involving two men, a meddling sister, and a seriously sassy pug.
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About Author, Kim Breyon: I am an Idaho native who grew up dreaming about traveling the world and writing stories. As a child, I would often spend my spare time curled up with my favorite blanket and a notebook, writing another fairy tale. I never would have guessed those fairy tales would one day grow into gay romances, but that is where my heart led me and I am so glad it did. I write about love because I believe it can happen to anyone, with anyone. I also believe dreams never expire, redemption is possible, and true forgiveness can heal us in ways we never expect. I know firsthand how messy life can get, but as any artist will tell you, a little mess is needed to create something beautiful. You can often find me with a mug of coffee in one hand and a dog toy in the other. There is never a day that goes by without my sweet boy insisting on a game – or twenty – of fetch.
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